Before you start reading this blog, there are a few things that are helpful to know.

I am twenty three years old until May 4th 2014

I am married to an AMAZING man, named Doug.

I love God. The Living, True, God whom has many names.

I believe that God came to Earth as a man, Jesus, died on The Cross for the forgiveness of all sin and rose from the dead to conquer death by the Will of His Father so that we may be reconciled to God in days to come such that we receive the free gift of Salvation.

I also, love my dog. His name is Shy. He is a Greyhound.

I have lived through myriad traumas resulting in my having what is commonly referred to as, Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is different from regular PTSD in that the trauma I suffered was compounded and untreated and came from many, many, experiences. My brain is actually broken.

I have been called by God to heal.

I am choosing to share my journey with you, so that you may be encouraged and that God might use my story to glorify Himself and enlighten the eyes of your heart to the hope to which He has called you.

This may get graphic. This may make you uncomfortable. This may change your life.

It is already changing mine.

That being said, let’s begin. 

Christ, Faith, healing, In and Out, Jesus, Life, PTSD