10 Things No One Told Me About Divorce

Photo Credit: Patrik Theander Part of the reason that no one told me these select things is because divorce is different for everyone and the struggles are varied across the board. Not everyone has hit these walls but I did. I hit them head on, and super hard. 1. You...

We Need to Talk About Cultural Appropriation

A few months ago I put out to the internet asking what they thought about cultural appropriation. There was an odd response. Either you were a person of color and answered me with thoughts, feelings, and examples, or you were a very confused white person. There were...

Why I Can’t Choose Joy

Every once in a while a neat little catch phrase will come into the common vernacular and it seems to be all inclusive. It gets tossed around like a beach ball at a concert and is much the same; full of air and of little weight. It can give the user or hearer a little...

Beauty Standards and Sexual Abuse

This week my mom sent me a link to a blog post that hit me really hard. The message came with simple instructions, “Read this blog”, but I don’t think either my mother or myself were prepared for the intensity of the message I needed to receive. The...