A lot of times we see graphics like this about illnesses and pat ourselves on the back just for reading most of it. Or maybe we donate a dollar at the check out and feel like that is enough charity to last a while.

If I’ve learned anything in the last few years it’s that the inattention we give to the causes we are bombarded with can end up costing us more in the long run. Do we know where our money is going?

Unfortunately, there are organizations that prey on this apathy.

Many organizations have ended up scandalized because of the amount of money that comes in and how little of it goes to the people it’s supposed to help. Charity Navigator gives the Susan G. Komen Foundation just two out of four stars and The Rainforest Alliance a full four.

A lot of money that is legally made and spent but in an ethical grey area comes from awareness campaigns.

Charities raising money for awareness are using those funds to fly a flag that waves over nothing in particular. You don’t have to make a promise to help someone suffering from what the money is being raised for. Usually there are a lot of facts and no answers. Awareness campaigns that don’t point to resources or services but are asking for money should be subject to scrutiny.

This Mental Health Awareness Month find a charity that is doing something good for people with mental illnesses. Support them with money, sure, or you can volunteer or spread their information to people who can volunteer or donate money.

The mission statement of Rethink Trauma is,
To bring awareness to trauma related issues and disorders and connect those suffering and their loved ones to resources, programs, and other forms of aid.”

If you want to support us this month you can stop by our Facebook page and give us a thumbs up and share it. You can also order a tee shirt to get a kid in foster care a duffle bag.

Pop by Charity Navigator and give them a dollar for their hard work and then find an organization that fits a need you care about.

It is also Lupus awareness month, so make sure to look up and share information about lupus and see where you can lend a hand.

Bringing awareness to these issues is just one piece of a very large puzzle. Use the momentum of an awareness month to find something you are passionate about helping and go get your hands dirty. Run a 5k, make posters, wear a button, all those things are good. But volunteer and see what else you can do.

To quote Anne Frank, “No one has ever become poor by giving.


Photo credit: http://www.mentalhealthamerica.net/infographic-b4stage4-changing-way-we-think-about-mental-health


Awareness, C-PTSD, charity, chronic illness, healing, mental health, mental health awareness month, mental illness, PTSD, rethink trauma, therapy, Trauma