I’ve recently moved states, as in, yesterday.

It can be difficult for someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder to make large changes. I get agitated and confused. I’ve lost all sense of where on Earth I am. As I create new memories and become acquainted with new landmarks I get less confused, but until each part of me gets situated, it is a pretty rough position to be in.

There are new doctors to find, new patient appointments to schedule and show up for, and new relationships to make with healthcare providers. Granted, part of the reason behind the move was so that we could be in a place where I would be taken seriously and get cared for, but it’s never easy to have to rehash all of the reasons that I need care in the first place.

The part that makes me the most nervous is meeting new people. I have become increasingly un-trusting. I used to make friends easily and have a wide circle. Now, I am more likely to try to avoid any type on contact with new people unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Having a mental illness can be isolating and quite frankly, it can freak people out. If it doesn’t freak them out then you have to answer questions about it, which can be exhausting. Usually, unless I’m prepared to talk about it, I don’t want to. Plus, even for people without mental illnesses, it’s difficult to find people with whom you connect.

In summary, moving sucks for everyone. So, we’ll wait this out until the dust settles.













photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/24029425@N06/9785724226″>Girl and boy riding in a boat made up of an egg shell, rowing with an arrow. [front]</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/”>(license)</a>

advice, anxiety, Boundaries, C-PTSD, caregivers, comfort, complex trauma, courage, depression, healing, invisible illness, living, mental illness, moving, pain, patience, special needs, therapy, Trauma, woundedness