PTSD and Laughter

             It was during a one act competition my junior year that I ironically won an award for playing a young actress who was struggling with dissociative identity disorder.I had no idea what was waiting in my mind. Looking at this picture I see a very different...

It Isn’t Easier

I saw this Post Secret postcard today.  Amid the chaos in the news and on Facebook and Twitter and every other social media I want to tell this girl, “It isn’t easier.” It isn’t any easier to be white than to be any other race. I am white....

Shame, Shame, Shame

The  last few years have been a tumultuous on and off again battle with shame. I know the signs, phrases, and beliefs in and out. But, somehow, this most recent attack was way off my radar. As per usual, it began with a conflict. During which, my husband and I were...